City as an important factor in the global economy
Tony Shorris, Former New York First Deputy Mayor. Former New York First Deputy Mayor.
City as an important factor in the global economy
Francesco Cardinali about Italy's investable market
Sharyn O'Halloran about opportunities
Michael R. Nowlis about the changes and future in the US and UE
Where are the highest areas of farmer growth for investors
How changes the role of CEO
Cyber Security by Design
What makes EQUITA different from other companies
Is the Italian banking system weakly linked to the US and the EU
Ketty Pucci-Sisti Maisonrouge on how to identify talent
Donna Rapaccioli on future diplomacy
What is the reality in Italy for the banking system
France Means Business
SPAC in Italy: a growing phenomenon
Pimm Fox about the relevance of listening to the experts
Richard N. Haass about US and EU diplomacy